I was gaining weight and losing weight for 22 years and that sitatuation causes many illnesses. I was trying to get use to this unhealthy life till I met with Dr. Erol Vural. I was very anxious but he helped me to calm down with his powerful energy and the operation was successful. After the operation my first night was painless and at the second day i started to walk. Now its my 14th day and i lost 7,5 kilograms already. Im very happy about my decision to trust Dr. Erol Vural. I highly recommends him to everyone who wants to lose weights.
Obesity and diabetes in our country and the whole world is becoming an epidemic outbreak. Specifically developed and developing countries, the rapid increase in refinery food , the increase in fast-food chains , also it less time for exercise because of intensive work schedule and other similar factors, provides a way to spread obesity and diabetes very quickly .
Diet, exercise, medical, changing lifestyle are the first choices but these methods usually fails and the obese and diabetic people can not take control of these problems with these cuurent methods.
The most effective and lasting treatment for obesity is obesity surgery. Success rate is 95% . Not only provides fast and effective weight control but also many diseases that are directly or indirectly linked to obesity provides the relief.
Metabolic surgery which is also known as diabetes surgery, has a success rate of 85% according to current methods.
Bariatric surgery and diabetes surgery leads to lifestyle changes and eating habbit changes , so that success takes months and years.
“Obesity is not your destiny” argument is our principle. With surgical methods in this regard, we support you before surgery and also after surgery.
All health care services that we offer we are carefull about; patient and employee safety in all health services, respecting always the patient’s rights , competent and qualified health staff training and continuous self-improvement / renewal, patient-oriented and performance –based working.
Our vision is following the international development and innovation in health services and reflecting these developments to our patient care processes. We want to be the reference point to health institutions also.
Vücüt Kitle İndexi (VKİ=BMİ) : Vücut ağırlığının kişinin boyunun metre olarak karesine bölünmesi ile bulunur. Örneğin 1.73 metre (173 cm ) boyunda 110 kilogram ağırlığında birinin 110/1.73*1.73= VKİ(BMİ): 36.8 dir.
- 18 ve altı (underweight) Zayıf
- 20-24.9 (healthy weight ) Normal kilolu
- 25-29.9 (overweigh) Fazla kilolu
- 30-39.9 (Obese) Obez
- 40-49.9 (Morbidy obese ) Morbid obez
- 50 ve üstü Süper obezdir.
Bel kalça oranına göre yapılan değerlendirmede ise bu bel çevresinin kalça çevresine olan oranının erkekler için 1 in altında, kadınlar için 0,85’in altında olması beklenir.
Bel çevresi obezitenin belirlenmesinde pratik bir yöntemdir. Erkek için bel çevresinin 102 cm’den , bayan içinde 88 cm’den büyük olması şişman→Metabolik Sendrom riskidir.